Normal, Fair, and Equal

What is normal?  Is perfection normal?  How about fair?  Fair, as in “why can’t life be fair?  Is fair normal?  As long as we’re improving the world, how about equality.  Let’s make everyone equal.  Is equality normal?  Did you know that there was a time when the world was normal?  A time when the world was fair.  And equal.   Really, I promise.

If you don’t believe me, find a Bible, open that Bible to the very beginning of God’s Word.  You are looking for the Book of Genesis, the first chapter, and the first verse.  If you are uncertain where to find Genesis 1:1, it is at the very beginning of the Bible.  When you locate Genesis 1:1 it will probably be subtitled, “The Beginning”.  Once you have located Genesis 1:1 read it along with the remainder of chapter one and all of chapter two.  Don’t panic, those aren’t novel length chapters.  I’m only asking you to read a few pages.  In my Bible, in fact, it is only four pages, with at least half of those pages being footnotes.  Once you’ve completed that task, you’ll find that that God himself declared His creation to be “good” six times, and then “very good” at the end of chapter one.  “Good”, in God’s eyes would be normal.  Good would be fair.  Good would be equal.

If the world was once normal, fair, and equal why isn’t it still that way?  What happened?  If you will now read Genesis Chapter Three you will find out what happened.  God’s original perfect couple rebelled against God.  Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and as punishment, God removed them from Paradise and all has been downhill since.  Sin had entered the World causing normal, fair, and equal on this planet to disappear.

Why can’t the world be just like that again?  Normal.  Fair.  Equal.  Well, the Absolute Truth is that one day the world will be like that again.  The world will be normal.  The world will be fair.  The world will be equal.  Perfection will exist.  One day, Jesus, God’s Son will return to Earth to restore normality, fairness, and equality.  When that happens, God will once again declare that all is good.  Because I have trusted Jesus Christ to be my Lord and Savior, I can hardly wait.  If I didn’t have this relationship with Jesus, I would be terrified.  How about you, friend?  Have you accepted Christ?  How do you feel about God returning things to normal?