……………………………..the 2018 midterm, in fact. With all of the hoopla, and the money being spent, it appears to be a very important election at that. I was just thinking about elections, and voting. Back in our day, my wife and I had to be 21 to vote. We were married before we were 21. I only mention that because I can say that she and I have always voted. We are mid 60’s now, and I don’t believe that we’ve ever missed a vote. I could be wrong. If I am, only once or twice. And we have voted because of the privilege, the honor, the importance of it all. And as we’ve grown older, we realize the blessing that comes from having this privilege. Many have died for this right we Americans have to vote. And so I wonder, is voting, having a say, even if only a small say, is it important to you. Do you vote no matter the issue, no matter the office up for grabs, no matter the weather? My wife and I can’t imagine that the weather effects turn out, but the experts tell us it does. But it shouldn’t. it’s either important, or it isn’t. How many sit in the rain, the cold, to watch an athletic contest, yet won’t brave those conditions to vote.
Here’s the deal. I’m not trying to talk you into voting. If voting is no more important to you than that, then please, don’t vote. Because if it is no more important to you than that, you have no real opinion on the issues, and if you have no real opinion on the issues, you don’t need to mess it up for everyone else. I’ve never voted because someone asked me to. I’ve never had to be asked by celebrities to go to the polls and vote because if I didn’t I would bring shame to my ancestors. I’ve never voted because a former President has asked me to vote for our cause. I have voted because I believe in the system. I have voted because I educated myself on the issues and then expressed what I believed to be the choice that represented what I felt to be right, and just, and what would be best for the majority of this country.
If you have no opinion on the issues based upon educated choice , than please stay away from the poles…………this time. There will be another one of these coming up in two years. That gives all plenty of time to do the research necessary to make informed choices.