Recently, a Twitter acquaintance was being taken to task for being so naive as to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. The doubter summarized his stance with a statement similar to, “once something is dead, it stays dead”. I must admit, that has been my experience as well. Daily, I am surrounded by death. Plants, insects, animals, and yes, people pass regularly from this life never to be seen or heard from again. As much as I would like to have one more visit with a friend or a family member no longer with us, I have yet to witness any living thing come back to life. It is understandable why many doubt.
And yet, it’s that fact isn’t it, that because none of us living today have witnessed the resurrection of a human being that makes the possibility of a dead body living again, all the more intriguing. All the more wonderful.
As far as the resurrection of Jesus goes, only two possible choices are possible. As the opening paragraph depicts, all of us fall into one of the two camps presented. After an unimaginably brutal death, three days later, life was restored to the flesh and blood body of Jesus the Christ, or it wasn’t. No other options exist. It happened or it didn’t.
A more important question may be if Jesus was resurrected, how would this possible? The whole issue is not so much a belief in a man living again after death, but how could this claim be possible. What is your worldview? Where do you believe all that we know to exist came from? Do you believe this all to be the result of a cosmic accident? A giant explosion eons ago. The result of some freak natural occurrence? If all is the result of chance, then there is no natural anything, and so no Jesus was not resurrected, and the non believers are correct. If however, all that we know to exist, including this planet and it’s inhabitants, were not the result of chance, but the result of careful planning and construction by a powerful being………… and if this being, this creator, were the God of the Bible, then yes it is possible that Jesus was resurrected. After all, if a being exists with the where with all to design and construct all of this from nothing, then that being, that Creator, would also have the ability to bring a dead person back to life. In fact, that seems a much simpler task then creation. So I ask again, what is your worldview?